Pastoral Prayer for December 5, 2021

Please allow the words of this prayer to become your own personal words.

Loving God,

Create in me each day a clean heart,

and renew my attitudes and priorities.

Keep me in your presence, and renew my spirit with your Holy Spirit.

Restore in me a daily gratitude for new life in You.

Remind me of that moment when I first understood

that I belonged to You.

That’s what the Psalmist prayed many centuries ago,

and that’s the cry of my heart today.

It’s also the cry of all who follow You,

and I join my prayer to theirs.

We are yours, Lord.

Shape our affections and loyalties to reflect and honor

our calling in the world.

On this road of discipleship,

make us true disciples and communicators

of the good news of your kingdom.

Thank you that I can come to You in confidence and trust.

Thank you for hearing and answering the cry of my heart.
