…welcome, looking forward to greet you, browse, see, buy…

1:00 – 4:00
…at Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula, 4590 Carmel Valley Road. One Mile East of Hwy 1, between Carmel Middle School and Palo Corona Regional Park…
(831) 624-3060

Mission Statement: Founded by the Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula in October 2014, Givingtree Benefit Shop promotes Christian fellowship and gives the needed assistance to our church and community.

Givingtree Benefit Shop provides a charitable and tax deductible way for members of the community donate items that can benefit others. Some donations are given directly to local homeless programs, for example, I-HELP, Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Dorothy’s Place.

After meeting shop expenses, operational and facility needs at our Church, we support community organizations and charitable causes approved by our shop committee, Women’s Association, and Board of Governors of the Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula.

Organizations We Currently Support:
Dorothy’s Place, Food Bank of Monterey County, Gathering for Women, I-Help, Loaves, Fishes & Computers, Nancy’s Project (Migrant ministry), Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, Salvation Army Good Samaritan Center

…we have just what you are looking for…
…and your purchase supports a good cause…