Daring to Question the Almighty

Pastoral Prayer for June 4, 2023

Our Pastoral Prayer this morning is a general bidding prayer.

After each petition please silently add the names of people you want to pray for and your own personal concerns.

Aware of God’s gracious love for all creation,

let us pray for Christ’s church, the world, and all who stand in need.

Let us pray for the church around the world:

that its communities of faith may proclaim your good news

and bring reconciliation and healing to this earth.

Let us pray for the church.

Let us pray for all Christians:

that each may know the power of the living Christ

and serve in faithful discipleship filled with grace and love and peace.

Let us pray for all Christians.

Let us pray for our country:

that its leaders may govern wisely and with compassion;

that its citizens may act responsibly toward one another

with fairness and for the common good.

Let us pray for our country.

Let us pray for all nations:

that all peoples shall know peace with justice;

that together they recognize their common interdependence

in sharing earth’s resources.

We pray especially for peace in Ukraine.

Let us pray for the nations.

Let us pray for the ties that bind us to one another:

that spouses love and respect one another with tender care;

that children are brought up with a basic trust in the goodness of life;

that relations between friend and friend be open in loving honesty.

Let us pray for the strengthening of our human relationships.

Let us pray for those who are in trouble or danger:

that regardless of circumstance they may find hope and release;

that they may know they are not alone but abide in you.

Let us pray for those weighed down by life’s burdens.

Let us pray for the spread of the good news of God’s love to all the world:

that people shall increasingly seek to know God and find their rest

in their Creator.

Let us pray for all who witness to God’s love in word and deed.

O God, you know the deepest yearnings of our hearts.

Take them and use them to work your perfect will in the life of the world.

In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.