Prayer is an important part of our faith as Christians, and members of the Community Church take this to heart.
There are several ways we offer support to members through prayer. These include the Prayer Chain, the Prayer Circle, Healing Prayer teams, prayer in worship and the pastor’s prayer.

The Prayer Chain is a group of devoted members who receive requests for prayer through a telephone tree.
Prayer Requests may be conveyed to the pastor through the church secretary, 831.624.8595.
Prayers and Projects is a prayer and work group of the Women’s Association, led by Pam Klaumann, which meets monthly.
Healing Prayer teams are members who meet weekly for personal devotion and prayers for others. They have been specially trained in healing prayer.
Worshippers have opportunities to make prayer requests in our Sunday morning services.
The Pastor prays for all church members, and honors special requests for prayer.

We are happy to receive your prayer request, whether for yourself or someone you know. Please call Pastor Paul at 831.624.8595. We will assume your prayer request is confidential unless you ask that it be shared with the Prayer Chain, in worship, or in the newsletter.

If you would like to be part of the prayer ministry please email Carole French at [email protected]
If you would like to be part of our church’s prayer chain and would be willing to commit to praying for the needs of others in our church family, community and world, we welcome you to join. Please email the church at [email protected]