
Pastoral Prayer for December 25, 2022 ​​ (By Rev. Susan Bock, adapted)



We believe in God,

who bends and kneels toward our world,

drenching it with love,

making it new with every breath.


We believe in Jesus,

God become human,

taking upon himself all our sorrows

and lifting them to You for healing.


We believe in the Spirit,

hovering God, present among us,

abiding, upholding,

patiently waiting and encouraging.


We believe we are called to do justice,​​ 

love kindness, and walk humbly

with God and each other,

ready for God’s reign, awake and alert.


We believe we are called at Christmas

to lift up our hearts in hope and in love,

seeking God’s presence

in each moment and person,

each challenge and heartache,

each blessing and joy.

