Every creature is important. The love we give to a pet and receive from a pet can draw us more deeply into the larger circle of life, into the wonder of our common relationship with our Creator.
Bring your pets (if pets are unable to attend, bring an item that represents them.)
Enjoy a medley of readings, prayers, music and animal art by famous artists. Personal and special blessing from Rev’s Paul and Elizabeth Wrightman and Brian Bjari. Let’s celebrate the bond of Creation!
All are welcome. For their happiness and safety, please leash your pets or otherwise keep them in your close care.
- Healing prayer on request
- Adoptable Animals
- Face Painting
- Drive-up blessings for owners or pets with special needs available between 3-4 pm
Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula
4950 Carmel Valley Road, One mile east of Hwy. 1 www.ccmp.org/Events (831) 624-8595