What Are You Seeking?

Pastoral Prayer for May 1, 2022

Please allow the words of this prayer to become your own.

Loving God,

We are easily confused and uncertain about what to do next.

Thank you for the divine Counselor, the Holy Spirit.

We call upon your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and direct our desires.

We call upon your Holy Spirit to open our inner ears to your still, small voice.

We call upon your Holy Spirit to guide us to the great attractors of truth, goodness, beauty, and love – each a path to you, Loving God.

We call upon your Holy Spirit to help us to discern your ways

and to accomplish your will in our world.

Teach and remind us that your will is also our best and highest good.

Counsel us in the way of Jesus today and every day.

Grant all those who call on you the desire to know your will

and the strength to carry it out.

And grant us your peace as we follow you.

We continue to pray for all the hurting people in Ukraine,

and all those who have had to flee their country.

We know that you, Loving God, are knocking at the door of Putin’s heart,

begging for peace.  Please knock harder.
