The Meaning of Compassion

 Pastoral Prayer 9-26-2021

Loving God, help us to become more compassionate persons by learning to imitate the example of your own compassion in Jesus.

In your compassion, Loving God, remember those who are desperate, exhausted, beaten down, and forgotten.

Remember those who are unfairly imprisoned.

Remember those who have limited opportunities, who see no chance to make things better.

Remember those born into failed families, failed neighborhoods, and failed nations.  Remember those growing up in broken circumstances of all kinds.  Remember the widow and the orphan.

Remember those whose lives are torn apart by war, racism, religious persecution, or unfair laws that prevent them from building a life for themselves and their families.

In your sight, Loving God, all these people are my mother and father, my sister and brother, and I am their keeper.

You have called them blessed.  Bless them.  Provide for their deepest hungers.  Show us our parts in that provision, and help us to act on it.

Loving God, help us to learn compassion from you.
