Pastoral Prayer for July 28, 2024


Our pastoral prayer this morning comes to us from Ted Loder.

Please allow his words to become your own.


Loving God,

Help me to be a beginning for others,

to be a singer to the songless,

a storyteller to the aimless,

a befriender of the friendless;


to become a beginning of hope for the despairing,

of assurance for the doubting,

of reconciliation for the divided;


to become a beginning of freedom for the oppressed,

of comfort for the sorrowing,

of friendship for the forgotten;


to become a beginning of beauty for the forlorn,

of sweetness for the soured,

of gentleness for the angry,

of wholeness for the broken,

of peace for the frightened and violent of the earth.


Help me to believe in beginnings,

to make a beginning,

to be a beginning,

so that I may not just grow old,

but grow new

each day of this wild, amazing life

you call me to live

with the passion of Jesus Christ.

