Sometimes Healing Is A Choice

Pastoral Prayer for November 3, 2024


This is the first time that I find myself unable to frame a meaningful prayer concerning our national elections. ​​ I find the state of our world and the state of our country alarmingly close to dis-integration. ​​ I feel that God has already given us God’s “final” word on how to live in Jesus of Nazareth. ​​ But given God’s own commitment to nonviolence, God is not willing​​ to override human free-will and force people into living the way that is best for humanity​​ and our planet.​​ ​​  ​​​​ 


I tried to address these issues in the recent issue of​​ Beyond Sunday​​ that was sent to you recently. ​​ In asking half a dozen congregants if they had read it yet, all of them said “No.” ​​ So I’m going to repeat it as today’s pastoral prayer. ​​ Here’s​​ my introduction:


“In these difficult times, with much of the world at war, and with the tragic divisions within our own country, I ran across this amazing prayer-poem by Rich Orloff. ​​ It helps us to see things from God’s perspective. ​​ It’s sad, but ends on a note of hope and grace. ​​ Please place yourself in your “prayer mode.” ​​ Orloff has titled this prayer-poem “GOD”S APOLOGY.”


When I created the human being

I never thought so many would choose hate over love

Or rationalize evil

Or want to define themselves by who they refuse to be

Or delight in causing suffering

Or mistreat the planet they depend on


When I gave the human being the full range of emotions

I never thought that humans would

Turn disappointment into resentment

Insecurity into hostility

Yearning into demanding

Or fear into war


When I commanded the human being

You shall love your neighbor as yourself

I never thought people would work so hard

Looking for loopholes

Denying the divinity in others

And refusing to be vessels of love


I knew that life would be incredibly hard

But I thought the pains of life would be compensated by me

Filling the night sky with wonder

Painting nature with dazzling colors

Creating foods that don’t just nourish but offer pleasure

Providing each day with the possibility of joy


I want to tell every child and each adult

I am sorry

Please forgive me

I really believed that life would be less painful

And that the gifts of life would be so appealing

That gratitude would be contagious


I hope you will accept my apology

And that I wish the pain in your heart

Be replaced with the profound knowledge

That despite all the flaws of existence

You are my gift to life

And life is my gift to you

