On Being Content With One’s own Personal Path

Pastoral Prayer for May 5, 2024


Our pastoral prayer this morning is by Ted Loder.

Please allow his words to become your own personal words.


Thank you, God,

for those who attempt beauty

rather than curse ugliness;

for those who take stands

rather than take polls;

for those who risk being right

rather than pandering to be liked;

for those who do something

rather than talking about everything.


Loving God,

grant me grace and a portion of your Spirit

that I may so live

as to give others cause

to be thankful for me,

thankful because I have not forgotten

how to hope,

how to laugh,

how to say, “I’m sorry,”

how to forgive,

how to bind up wounds,

how to dream,

how to cry,

how to pray,

how to love when it is hard,

and how to dare when it is dangerous.


Release me, Loving God,

that praise may flow more easily from me

than wants,

thanks more readily

than complaints.

