Not Giving Up On God’s Peaceable Kingdom

Pastoral Prayer for January 14, 2024


Our Pastoral Prayer this morning is from Pat Kozak and Janet Schaffran:


Weaver God, we come to you,

or more the truth – you find us,

disconnected and out of sorts.


We are disheartened by our failures,

discouraged by our weakness

and little that we do seems worthy of your grace.


Restore our wholeness. ​​ Restore our future.


Weave for us the tapestry

on which our lives are woven.

Give us patience with the endless

back and forth of shuttle, hand and effort.


We look too closely, seeing only strands and knots

and snarled threads of too-much-trying

or none-at-all.


Grants us eyes to see the whole

of which we are a part.


In the end, we ask for gentleness with ourselves,

acceptance of our less than perfect ways.


We pray that what we do

and what you weave form patterns clear to all,

of compassion in the warp of it

and love throughout.

