Naming One’s Brokenness as the First Step Towards healing

Please allow the words of this pastoral prayer to become your own personal words:

Loving God, you promise to give power to the weak.

Where I am weak, grant me the gift of fortitude. 

Make me strong today.  Set me free.

Where I am ignorant of my weakness, lead me gently to see my need for you.

For all your people, I pray:

Strengthen our minds, that we may overcome apathy and ignorance.

Strengthen our spirits, that we may rise above exhaustion and opposition.

Strengthen our hearts, that we may never be mastered by fear.

You are calling all your people to lives of meaning and purpose –

lives you can bless; lives that glorify you.

Fill us with energy and endurance by your Spirit, that we may accomplish all that you have given us to do, today and every day.
