Pastoral prayer for November 10, 2024


Our pastoral prayer this morning needs a bit of introduction. ​​ As our first pastoral prayer after the election, I found it crucial to find a prayer that has the potential to unite rather than to divide. ​​ Realizing that our congregation has within it Christian Independents, Christian Republicans, Christian Democrats, and Christian Libertarians, you’ll notice that there is only one word in that listing that is repeated, and repeated four times. ​​ It is the word​​ Christian. ​​ No matter which political party we’re affiliated with, all of us are under a higher authority than our political party. ​​ That higher authority is our shared commitment to follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.


The following prayer by Episcopal Bishop Steven​​ Charleston, who is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation and a Native American Elder​​ as well as a bishop, transcends our political differences because it reflects a higher authority than politics. ​​ As we shall see in upcoming sermons, there is plenty in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth​​ to challenge​​ all​​ political parties, including the one with which we happen to be affiliated. ​​ So this prayer challenges us all. ​​ Here it is:


When they hate, I will love.

When they curse, I will bless.

When they hurt, I will heal.


I am a servant of the light.

I am not afraid of darkness.


I will carry on with my work

as a steward of this Earth

and of all her children.


When they divide, I will unite.

When they rage, I will calm.

When they deny, I will affirm.


I will simply be who I am: for that is

what Spirit created me to be.




And now a brief postscript:


When I was praying this prayer​​ recently, I noticed that the phrasing still reflects a “they”/“I” divide, as in “When​​ they​​ rage,​​ I​​ will clam.” ​​ But what about the times when​​ I’m​​ the one doing the raging? ​​ When​​ I​​ rage, who will calm​​ me?

As a part of this Christian family, the answer has to be​​ you: ​​ When I rage, I need and trust you to calm me. ​​ We​​ need​​ each​​ other!


This prayer gives us a blueprint on how to be there for each other during this impossible time. ​​ It’s not printed in the bulletin, but if you would like a copy to use in your own devotions, just ask.