
Pastoral Prayer for February 11, 2024


Our pastoral prayer this morning comes to us from Walter Brueggemann:


Loving God,

we give you thanks that you are full of grace. . .


that you have graced us amid a cloud of witnesses

who wait for us and watch over us;

that you have given us a grounding in faith,

and a deeper grounding in the goodness of your creation

with its teeming generosity.


In the fullness of your grace,

we are aware of our thin faith,

and our shabby freedom for you.


So override our thinness today

with the rush of your grace.


We give you thanks that you are full of truth,

that you have come among us in suffering love,

that you have settled your reliable Spirit among us,

that you call us to be your faithful witnesses.


On this day we ask you

to surge with your grace over our fears,

to rush in with your truth,

that in your presence and in the presence of each other,

we may become our best selves . . .

your grace and truth​​ 

matched by our wonder, love, and praise.

