In 1959, a separation occurred among members of the congregation of Wayfarer Church in Carmel between those who wanted to follow the Methodist Church and those who wanted to become a part of an independent community church.
On November 3, 1963, the first worship service of The Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula was held at the Golden Bough Theatre in Carmel led by Dr. Ronald J. Menmuir. The church was formally organized on November 22, 1963 with 200 charter members. Dr. Charles Pearson was elected President of the Board of Governors.
During the early years services were held at the Hacienda Carmel, Nix Ballet Academy, and at River School. The first permanent minister, The Rev. Burkert Cree served until 1969.
In 1965 the present five acres was purchased from the Hatton estate. An architect was retained to build Woodhull Hall and the Office building. Ground was broken in 1965. The buildings were first used on Easter Sunday 1967. The Reverend Howard E. Bull became our minister on July 16, 1970.
In 1973 we began construction on our sanctuary which was dedicated in 1975. Outcalt Chapel was given by Miller and Evelyn Outcalt in 1995.
On Sept. 21, 2014 the congregation voted to become affiliated with The United Church of Christ as a dual-track church, Independent and United Church of Christ which was formalized on Feb. 8, 2015.